Benevolence request form

General Guidelines:
The Benevolence fund is intended as a source of last resort, to be used when the family or individual requesting assistance has explored all other possibilities of help from family, friends, savings, or investments. It is intended to be a temporary help during a time of crisis and is not applicable for cases which need long-term financial support. The church has the right to adjust or decline an applicant’s request and may consider providing assistance other than monetary help.

Assistance from the Benevolence fund is intended to be a one-time gift. In unusual circumstances, the Elder Board or it’s designates may decide to help more than one time. However, under no circumstance is a gift from the Benevolence fund to be considered a loan. No gift may be repaid, either in part or in full, in money or in labor.
Those requesting assistance must also be willing to receive financial, family, or emotional counseling. The Elder Board or it’s designates will not provide help to anyone who, in their estimation, will have negative or irresponsible behavior reinforced by financial help.

Those requesting help must be willing to give the Elder Board or it’s designates permission to follow up on any of the information provided to the Elder Council. The Elder Board or its designates will be sensitive to confidential issues.

In order of priority, recipients of funds disbursed from the Benevolence fund at the direction of the Elder Council or it’s designates are:
  • Church Members
  • Regular Attendees
  • Members of the Community

The stated purpose of the Benevolence fund is to meet peoples’ basic needs. Normally, these needs are defined as: Lodging, Food, Clothing, Medical treatment, Transportation to or from a place of employment, Funeral expenses, Initial evaluation and professional counseling appointments.

Needs that may not be met by the Benevolence fund include:
  • School expenses, business investments, or anything that brings financial profit to the individual or family paying off credit cards. Exceptions can be made when an individual has had to use a credit card in a crisis or emergency (e.g., hospitalization, death, etc.).
  • Needs of individuals who are wanted by the law or for paying fines as a result of breaking the law.
  • Housing for unmarried couples, Legal fees, Penalties relating to late payments or irresponsible actions, Private school fees or tuition, Business ventures or investments.

A valid Driver’s License or State ID is required in order to receive assistance from PEFC’s Benevolence Fund. Documentation regarding income, personal bank statements, and utility bills may be requested. If approved, a check will be distributed to the vender/business/service provider for which the applicant owes funds. We also request that help provided by PEFC be kept in confidence. Someone will reach out to your email or phone number provided.