At Kingdom Kids, we . . .

Grow DOwn
Our aim is that kids and families grow deep roots into Jesus and his Word as the foundation of their life through a personal relationship with Him.
Colossians 2:6-7
Colossians 2:6-7

Grow Up
We come alongside caregivers, as the primary disciplers of their kids, to raise up children who are growing up in faith and maturity in their relationship with Christ and his Church.
Deuteronomy 6:4-8
Deuteronomy 6:4-8

Grow Out
We equip kids and families to be on mission, reaching their neighbors, community, and world for Christ.
Matthew 28:17-20
Matthew 28:17-20
Join Us on Sunday Mornings
3 Years through 5th Grade
All kids 3 years through 5th grade are invited to gather together during the service at 9:30am for Sunday School. This Jesus-centered hour is filled with an engaging devotional lesson, meaningful activities, and lots of fun as we grow together in Christ.
In Sunday School, we intentionally provide a space for kids Prek-5th grade to build relationships with one another and invested volunteers, all while strengthening and deepening their relationship with God.
At our check-in table outside the gym doors, you will be met by volunteers who are excited to connect with you and to encourage the growing faith of each child!
All kids 3 years through 5th grade are invited to gather together during the service at 9:30am for Sunday School. This Jesus-centered hour is filled with an engaging devotional lesson, meaningful activities, and lots of fun as we grow together in Christ.
In Sunday School, we intentionally provide a space for kids Prek-5th grade to build relationships with one another and invested volunteers, all while strengthening and deepening their relationship with God.
At our check-in table outside the gym doors, you will be met by volunteers who are excited to connect with you and to encourage the growing faith of each child!

6 Weeks through 2 years
We believe that children can start learning about Jesus and his love for them at an early age through interactive play, storytelling, and music. The nursery is available for children 6 weeks to 2 years during the service at 9:30am. The nursery is located across from the main sanctuary entrance.
We believe that children can start learning about Jesus and his love for them at an early age through interactive play, storytelling, and music. The nursery is available for children 6 weeks to 2 years during the service at 9:30am. The nursery is located across from the main sanctuary entrance.
Join Us on Wednesday Nights
PEFC KIDS ACADEMY - 6:30-8:00pm, WEdnesdays
Fall Kickoff is on September 4th, 2024
PEFC Kids Academy is a 3-year program for kids in 3rd-5th grade. It is a deep dive into the foundational beliefs of the Christian faith through dynamic activities and studies on these engaging topics of Scripture. Kids Academy is time set aside weekly during the school year to grow in relationships with God and with one another. We are excited about kids grasping new concepts and truth about our God and his Church, hiding God's Word in their hearts through memorization, and internalizing these things through times of worship. The main teaching portion each week will be taught by one of the PEFC staff members.
Join us on Wednesday nights form 6:30-8pm each week! We invite you to register for this program using the form below.
Join us on Wednesday nights form 6:30-8pm each week! We invite you to register for this program using the form below.