Our own, home-brewed, night game: "Bounties!" is happening again!
6:30-10:00 10/12/23
-Students are encouraged to wear dark and warm clothes since they will need to be outside and it's beneficial to go unseen and they will be outside in October. Students should bring flashlights
-If any Parents at PEFC want to participate as targets in Bounties please contact pastor Caleb!
**Basic Game Rules**
-Students form teams, receive a clue to who their target is, find and capture said target, then bring that target to HQ.
-Targets are all adult leaders and students are allowed to ask targets questions to assist in their investigation (though the only questions that Targets have to answer truthfully are yes or no questions).
-All members of a Team must be present to earn points when a team brings a target to HQ.
-Students will have to avoid the guard patrolling the building, if the guard catches students in the beam of his or her flashlight that student has to go to the jail where the jailer will keep them for whatever time the jailer sees fit! (or release them early for good behavior)
after an hour the game ends, points are calculated, and prizes are given!
*More details if interested*
Consist of students
Must all be present to receive points
Must check in with HQ to receive points
Adult leaders
When tagged must stop running away until released
Feel free to hide, but if you’re not found for some time please be a good sport
There is a guard patrolling the church building if a student is caught in the beam of the flashlight they must report to jail
The jail will be wherever the fire and snacks are and will have a jailer
The Jailer is at their own discretion of when to release students from jail
Jailer may make students wait for a time, or do a challenge to get released (like pushups, singing, reciting a bible verse, ect.)
A team must have their whole team present to cash in on the points
After bringing their target in the Team must turn in the clue with the Target and will only receive their point if the target matches the clue.
After this the team will be told if they are correct and then given a new clue while the target is released.
6:30-10:00 10/12/23
-Students are encouraged to wear dark and warm clothes since they will need to be outside and it's beneficial to go unseen and they will be outside in October. Students should bring flashlights
-If any Parents at PEFC want to participate as targets in Bounties please contact pastor Caleb!
**Basic Game Rules**
-Students form teams, receive a clue to who their target is, find and capture said target, then bring that target to HQ.
-Targets are all adult leaders and students are allowed to ask targets questions to assist in their investigation (though the only questions that Targets have to answer truthfully are yes or no questions).
-All members of a Team must be present to earn points when a team brings a target to HQ.
-Students will have to avoid the guard patrolling the building, if the guard catches students in the beam of his or her flashlight that student has to go to the jail where the jailer will keep them for whatever time the jailer sees fit! (or release them early for good behavior)
after an hour the game ends, points are calculated, and prizes are given!
*More details if interested*
Consist of students
Must all be present to receive points
Must check in with HQ to receive points
Adult leaders
When tagged must stop running away until released
Feel free to hide, but if you’re not found for some time please be a good sport
There is a guard patrolling the church building if a student is caught in the beam of the flashlight they must report to jail
The jail will be wherever the fire and snacks are and will have a jailer
The Jailer is at their own discretion of when to release students from jail
Jailer may make students wait for a time, or do a challenge to get released (like pushups, singing, reciting a bible verse, ect.)
A team must have their whole team present to cash in on the points
After bringing their target in the Team must turn in the clue with the Target and will only receive their point if the target matches the clue.
After this the team will be told if they are correct and then given a new clue while the target is released.