Fill out a form below to support PEFC Student Ministries through buying mulch!
This fundraiser is supporting Princeton Student's and their endeavor to go to to Teenserve 2023:
Each Bag is 2 cubic feet, visit: and use the mulch calculator tool there to determine how much mulch you need!
*If you want to make a bulk order (several yards worth) order at the Sylva corporation website and use the discount code PEFC at checkout!
Through PEFC Students each bag costs $5
Checks can be made out to Princeton Evangelical Free Church, or donations can be made online (use the give tool below and make a note in the memo section that this is for the mulch fundraiser)
All bags will be delivered to Princeton Evangelical Free Church:
12140 317th Ave NW Princeton, MN 55371
Pickup is from 4:00-9:00PM 05/12/23 (Friday)
or 8:00am - 12:00pm 05/13/23 (Saturday)
Special thanks to Sylva Corp. for hooking us up with this fundraiser opportunity!
This fundraiser is supporting Princeton Student's and their endeavor to go to to Teenserve 2023:
Each Bag is 2 cubic feet, visit: and use the mulch calculator tool there to determine how much mulch you need!
*If you want to make a bulk order (several yards worth) order at the Sylva corporation website and use the discount code PEFC at checkout!
Through PEFC Students each bag costs $5
Checks can be made out to Princeton Evangelical Free Church, or donations can be made online (use the give tool below and make a note in the memo section that this is for the mulch fundraiser)
All bags will be delivered to Princeton Evangelical Free Church:
12140 317th Ave NW Princeton, MN 55371
Pickup is from 4:00-9:00PM 05/12/23 (Friday)
or 8:00am - 12:00pm 05/13/23 (Saturday)
Special thanks to Sylva Corp. for hooking us up with this fundraiser opportunity!